Nous contacter

Horaires d’ouverture / Open hours

We understand that it is important for you to access our services in a way time.

Adresse/Address :
2204 R Street, NW Washington DC 20008 USA

Email :

Phones :
Services Consulaires +(202) 483-4225

Office of the Ambassador +(202) 483-4224

Fax :
+(202) 483-3169

Opening Hours :

Du lundi au vendredi : de 9:00 à 13:00pm
Monday through Friday: from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Eté :
Du lundi au vendredi: de 9:00 à 17:00
Hiver :
Du lundi au vendredi : de 9:00 à 16:00
Summer :
Monday through Friday: from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Winter :
Monday through Friday: from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm